Low-Frequency Dynamics and Its Correlation of Nanoscale Structures in Amorphous Solids

作者:W. M. Yang*, W.Y. Li, Q Jiang, J.T. Huo, Y. C. Zhao, H. S. Liu.    时间:2019-11-22    点击数:


Unlike the crystalline solids, the atomic arrangements in amorphous solids lack long-range translational and orientational order. Despite intense research activity on their structures, the details of how the atoms are packed in amorphous solids remain mysterious at present. Here, we propose a structure feature like polymers and estimate the nanoscale of short-range order (SRO) and medium-range order (MRO) in this description according to the boson peak in amorphous solids. The result supports the concepts that (a) the low-frequency local vibrations are defined by the characteristic length of nanoscale clusters and (b) a decisive scale correlation of solvent atoms, SRO and MRO is about 1:3:7 in amorphous solids.

文章链接:Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2020, 198: 158-196.


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