Low-Frequency Dynamics and Its Correlation of Nanoscale St…
Photonic specifc heat divided by cube of temperature versus temperature for Pd41.25Cu41.25P17.5, Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni1…[详细]
The effect of slit direction and distribution on mechanica…
Radial distribution function (a) and Voronoi polyhedra (b) for as-cast bulk Ta metallic glass.(a) Strain dependence of…[详细]
Low-Temperature Magnetic Properties and Magnetocaloric Eff…
a–c M(H) and d–f M2 versus H/M curves for Fe91−xZr9Cux (x=0.0, 0.4 and 1.0) at a temperature close to Tc (Color f…[详细]
Origin of abnormal glass transition behavior in metallic g…
XRD patterns of (Fe0.71Dy0.05B0.24)96Nb4 BMG in as-cast state and ones after compression.DSC traces obtained for (Fe0.…[详细]
Atomic-level crystallization in selective laser melting fa…
Schematic of the SLM simulation system. (a) Pair distribution function curve for a Fe50Ni50 powder, (b) perspective vi…[详细]