A one-step fabrication of soft-magnetic high entropy alloy fiber with excellent strength and flexibility

作者:    时间:2024-12-13    点击数:

Soft-magnetic fibers (SMFs) play a crucial role in energy conversion, trans-mission, and storage within electronic devices. However, conventional SMFs have poor plasticity and are therefore difficult to withstand long-term tensile, torsional, and shear deformation. A high fraction of grain boundaries could improve plastic deformability of conventional SMFs, but deteriorates the coercivity. This severely limits their applications in flexible electronics and multifunctional components. Herein, we propose a strategy to overcome this dilemma, which is realized by coarsening the grains of a Fe34Co29Ni29Al3Ta3Si2 high entropy alloy (HEA) fiber containing ordered coherent nanoprecipitates with small lattice misfit via a simple one-step in-rotating-water spinning method. This allows to reduce domain wall pinning and improve dislocation mobility. The resultant micron-diameter soft-magnetic HEA fiber has a tensile strength of 674 MPa at 23% elongation, a low coercivity of 8.1 Oe, a moderate magnetization of 116 emu/g at 10 kOe and a high Curie temperature of 770 K.


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